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WATCH: Remembering Nazis Past and Present

The Jerusalem Herald Staff

[Update to our readers: YouTube has taken down the video referenced in this article, claiming it's exposure of "Palestinian" Nazism violated its guidelines. The video can still be viewed here at this link. - Editor]

Illustration: Screenshot (Boomerang's YouTube 00:30)

Illustration: Screenshot (Boomerang's YouTube 00:30)

In time for Holocaust Remembrance Day, which begins on Wednesday night in Israel, the activist group Boomerang - Fighting for Israel posted a hard-hitting video earlier in the day, which illustrates the clear parallels between Nazi Germany and virulent "Palestinian" Nazism.

A powerful montage reveals the similarities in anti-Semitic messaging, glorification of violence, and hate education for children - as well as the destructive results of this evil policy. YouTube has taken down the video, but it can be viewed here.

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