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Blogger Reveals Systematic Media Bias in Major News Outlet

Tova Dvorin

Illustration (Image credit: Wix)

Illustration (Image credit: Wix)

It's an accusation we all know too well: that Jews, or more recently Zionists, control the mainstream news media.

But now, one brave blogger has come forward with an eyewitness account of suggestive news editing by the mainstream press - turning the entire notion directly on its head.

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The cutting-room floor

The Associated Press Television News (APTN) service provides the lion's share of television footage for news networks worldwide.

It also systematically edits news items to be blatantly anti-Israel - blogger and journalist Brian Thomas alleged in a video released earlier this week - due to a skewed funding model and newsroom setup which heavily favors news tailored for the Arab world.

Thomas described the behind-the-scenes realities of news production in the APTN offices in London, which is the central hub for television news production for the Western world.

Among his revelations: not only does AP allegedly create full-fledged, "highly emotive" news stories exclusively for its Middle East Bureau - which creates a "highly profitable" stream of revenue significantly higher than its revenue from other world news - but there is "cross-pollination" between the newsrooms.

The result: no pro-Israel, or anti-Palestinian, stories can realistically pass through to mainstream news.

And it means that it's the Arab leaders of the Middle East - not the Jews and certainly not Zionists in Israel or elsewhere - who are systematically controlling what the world sees and hears regarding Israel.

Changing the Israel conversation

Thomas’ full presentation is worth a watch on its own - but it's also the most widely-shared video to date of the Talk17 project, an American Friends of Ariel initiative to open up the Israel conversation beyond the daily news and hear new perspectives on different dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Talk17's latest conference on Journalism and New Media explored the phenomenon of media bias from several angles - but none as explosive as this eyewitness account.

Thomas’ video has jumped from a handful of views to over 77,000 in just over 48 hours - and growth is expected to continue in light of the fake news phenomenon and Israel's recent decisions regarding Al-Jazeera.

Talk17's goal is to change the Israel conversation entirely by providing people living in Judea-Samaria, or those connected to the region professionally, the opportunity to speak about their experiences without the middleman of mainstream media.

But while Talk17 aims to broaden the scope of dialogue about Israel, Thomas implies that such a platform has the opportunity to change the world:

"What has changed now is that I can look directly into the camera, and this video will go onto YouTube, and it will get spread - and people will learn what I'm saying without CNN, without Fox, without BBC, without Reuters, without APTN, without Agence France Press, and we can do that now because we've got the Internet."

"And that's why we can win."


The author is a representative of Talk17 who writes for The Jerusalem Herald on an unpaid, volunteer basis.

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